Procedures for submitting the declarations related to insurance intermediaries
Procedures for submitting the declarations related to insurance intermediaries
Filling Form A4 in the Regulatory Forms
Filling Form A4 in the Regulatory Forms
Methodology to assess technical reserves for combined operations
Methodology to assess technical reserves for combined operations
Amending the declarations forms related to insurance intermediaries
Amending the declarations forms related to insurance intermediaries
Obligation of declaration by insurance intermediaries
Obligation of declaration by insurance intermediaries
The new technical Letter of Guarantee template
The new technical Letter of Guarantee template
The obligations of external auditors and actuaries of insurance companies
The obligations of external auditors and actuaries of insurance companies
Provide ICC with the actuarial report for Lebanon & consolidated operations
Provide ICC with the actuarial report for Lebanon & consolidated operations
Procedure of appointing persons to follow up on company’s transactions at ICC
Procedure of appointing persons to follow up on company’s transactions at ICC
Requesting from ICC a prior approval when using a different method of IBNR computation
Requesting from ICC a prior approval when using a different method of IBNR computation