Scope of work for the auditor’s report on semi-annual RF
Scope of work for the auditor’s report on semi-annual RF
Authorized signatory to address ICC
Authorized signatory to address ICC
Clarifications regarding the preparation of the semi-annual review report
Clarifications regarding the preparation of the semi-annual review report
Listing all the declarations requested by ICC and their deadlines
Listing all the declarations requested by ICC and their deadlines
Scope of work performed by ICC in issuing attestations
Scope of work performed by ICC in issuing attestations
Ageing of premium receivables must be automated
Ageing of premium receivables must be automated
The Conditions that must be complied with when submitting the annual legal declaration
The Conditions that must be complied with when submitting the annual legal declaration
Insurance companies having foreign branches outside Lebanon are required to submit a separate set of regulatory forms for their consolidated operations
Insurance companies having foreign branches outside Lebanon are required to submit a separate set of regulatory forms for their consolidated operations
The conditions that must be complied with by insurance companies when publishing their balance sheets
The conditions that must be complied with by insurance companies when publishing their balance sheets
Provide ICC with the English version of the annual auditor’s report if available
Provide ICC with the English version of the annual auditor’s report if available